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Beaver Point Lodge

Posted by on March 19, 2013

The club’s run to Beaver Point Lodge was another good overnight trip. This year we took the Telegraph Trail out of Nenana on Saturday to the lodge and returned on Sunday via the Commissioner Trail. Both trails were well marked and packed if a bit windblown.


The Telegraphis trial to Beaver Point Lodge on Deadman Lake and the Commissioner Trail back

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We pulled out of the Monderosa parking lot around 9:00 AM and meandered on the trail through some big fields and trees. Jason and Jewell farmed out the kids for the weekend and joined the ride, I have to give a big thumbs up to Jewell for being a fairly new rider she did great and was a good trooper, no matter how many times she got stuck

I think just about everyone did get stuck, as I noted the trail was windblown and anytime some ones sled broke through the crust you sunk into 2 and half to 3 feet of sugar powder, just enough to make getting back on the track a pain.

The scenery was great and we did see some wild life, a warning though, don’t count on Tim to provide dinner if the plan is to have spruce chickens, I’d bring a backup meal

Myles was a gracious host and the food was fine as always. No one caught any fish but not for a lack of trying. The temps were just about right with the exception of the -19 below Sunday morning, but it did warm up to the mid-teens above zero by noon and the return ride was also enjoyable. I would like to make this run next year down the commissioner trail before it gets windblown, it looks like it’d be a blast playing in the fields.

I must say the river would have been a smoother ride and the next trip out I’d probable vote for that route, but the land route we took was more scenic.

Anywho, another good ride enjoyed by all.

Interactive map of route to lodge

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