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Brain Surgery and Cabin Work

Posted by on October 1, 2014

So I made the trip to Seattle and the Swedish Medical Center to follow up on the brain surgery my local doctor said I needed. To accomplish this I had to cancel all my hunting plans and spend three days in Seattle in a very small room. The bottom line, my cyst is not a cyst but an anomaly and doesn’t require surgery, yeah team.


The Hurricane Cabin durin g Sept 2014

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Now I didn’t get the test results back until the middle of September, so when I got back home I told the wife I needed some time to think and sort it out all. So while I was trying to get my head around having my head drilled into I did get some work done at the Hurricane cabin. All the floor insulation is in, built the platform for the add-on furnace room and the 8×8 generator shed. So not a bad bit of work considering.

Dean came out for a 3 day weekend while I was there and helped me frame the furnace room in, so again, a good bit of work for 14 days mostly by myself. Trish informed me what the results were around the 13th day and although I knew I didn’t have to go back to Seattle to get drilled on I sure hated leaving. The weather wasn’t the best but the time alone in woods was really nice. Hopefully after retirement I can spent a couple of months down there and forget all the hassle of the rat race in town.

Anyway, here are some pictures of the platforms, dang nabit, I forgot to get some photos of the framed furnace room, hum, now to see what it’s going to cost me to get Jake down to help me build in the duck work and go through the new furnace to get it running.

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