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Posted by on May 20, 2010

So how did I get myself in this fine mix of spending money and having to build a cabin. For the past few years my buddy Dean and I have talked about how one of us needed to get a cabin down in the Cantwell area so we’d have a place to stay when we went riding down there. Seeing how Cantwell is one of the best areas in the state to go sledding, it was an undisputed discussion. Of course the land in Cantwell is limited and thus extremely expensive as far as land goes.

So one day my darling bride looks at me and says “sweetie, did you this small ad for 5 acres off the Parks hwy”, nope I hadn’t. So read it I do and call the Realtor, yes it’s still for sale, no road access, the best description she can give me is it’s approximately one and half miles off the hwy at mile marker 169 Parks Hwy., hum, sounds good. OK, so I ask her to contact the state and get me the Longitude and Latitudes for it, she does, so Dean and I take a trip to 169 Mile Parks Hwy, ain’t nothing there but a pull out and lots of snow and I mean lots of snow….

GPS batteries are charged and were headed for the first way point. We didn’t get very far, turns out I had the Long and Lat but in the wrong datum, dang nabbit. But we get to what we think is the approximate area. Stop, look around, scenery is beautiful, snow is way deeper that Cantwell and the mountains are right there in front of us. OK, decision time, buy it or not. Heck, even if were 1/2 mile off of the property the place is so gorgeous we have to get it, so we do. Basically, sight unseen as it were.

So that was back in 2009 and now here it is summer 2010 and its time to build a cabin. Of course we first have to brush out a trail from the hwy to the property line so we can then brush out the building site to get a platform up to build the cabins on. Platform will have to be 6 feet off the ground so we don’t get buried in snow in the winter and considering we can’t get any equipment in, at least not at this time, it’ll all be done by hand. Lot of working coming up.

The first trip is set for June 11th – 13th. I plan to take lots of pictures of before and after. More to come on this after we return.

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