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Hunting Camp and Cabin

Posted by on October 5, 2012

Some pictures from my time at the Hurricane cabin, a very rainy trip, but we did get a good lick in, just not the roof felt and metal :<( The damage to the form board and string was courtesy of one small black bear, the little bugger.

Hurricane Cabin, Sept 2012

Rain, Rain and More Rain

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This was the rainiest trip down to the cabin. Just my timing I guess, arrived just in time to be hit by one of the wettest storms in the South Central Ak for a while. All the rivers reached flood stage and the various meadows turned into temporary little lakes. We did get the upper trail in and that was a good thing or else I wouldn’t of gotten out as the lower trail was so flooded I’d have needed a canoe to make it across.

Although we didn’t get the roof felt on we did get a lot of things finished up. Stairs from the ground to the porch deck (yeah, no more ladder), finished up sheeting all the exterior walls, chimney and wood stove in, all four of the windows I had on hand are placed, the roof over the porch deck as well as the second level porch are both framed and awaiting decking and roof metal.

So all in all a lot got done, thanks to help from Jake, Dean and Lenny, just not the roof felt and metal roofing. Hopefully my next trip down in Nov I’ll get a start on the felt and maybe even some if not all the metal.

Some pictures from hunting camp, not a very photo op time, but what the heck.

Hunting Camp 2012

Some photos taken, not a real photo ops year.

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