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Photos 2007

The New Compeaus Trail


Checking out the new Compeaus Trail

Another Cleary Summit area ride

12-8-07-Cleary Summit

Another ride in the Cleary Summit area

Murphy Dome Trail,

actually, we made a wrong turn and ended up at Silver Gulch Mini Brewery… Good Food.


Checking out Murphy Dome Trail in December

Clear Creek Butte

(or our attempt to get there)


Clear Creek

A short day with limited snow in Nov


A short day with limited snow in Nov.

The Historical Mail Trail


The Historical Mail Trail between Fairbanks and Central

MacLaren Valley and Lodge

in April, just don’t get any better


MacLaren Valley and Lodge in April, just don't get any better

Goldstream Valley

to Chatanika Lodge


Goldstream Valley to Chatanika Lodge

The Tanana Flats,

March 24, 2007


Playing in the Flats

Nome Creek,

Jan 27, 2007


Nome Creek, Jan 27, 2007

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