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Photos 2010

Building the cabin

platform and porch deck, all set for the cabin. Now to get more material in to build with.


Building the cabin platform and porch deck, all set for the cabin. Now to get more material in to build with.

Moose Camp 2010

No moose to show this year, so far anyway, but I still have time to hunt and fill the freezer


Moose camp 2010, no luck in moose hunting but a good 9 days in camp.

Hunting Camp 2010

Our base camp prep work for the 2010 season


Cleaning up and expanding base camp in preparation for the upcoming Moose Season Hunt.

Moose and Calf

Momma who charged me and her calf


Momma Moose (who charged me) and the calf she was protecting

Chulitna Property

Post and Beams


Placing the post and beams

The property lines from the White Mountains Staking

Tyler and I did July, 2010


Staking in the White Mountains

Chulitna Property

The start, brushing and getting a trail in.


Starting the trail and brushing the cabin area

Mt Ryan on Tylers Birthday


MT Ryan property on Tylers 12th birthday weekend

Cantwell with Tyler and some FST members, Mar 20, 2010


Cantwell with Tyler and some FST members

Annual SnoRondy, 2010


One of the best Rondy's yet.

Fairbanks Snow Travelers Annual Sweetheart Run, Feb 2010


The Fairbanks Snow Travelers annual Sweetheart run

Cantwell, one of my favorite places to ride, Feb 6, 2010


Cantwell, one of my favorite places to ride.

The Tanana Flats, Jan 9, 2010


The Tanana Flats, Jan 09, 2010

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