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Trail Clearing on the Tanana Flats

Posted by on February 19, 2012

Our ride (Feb 4) out to Clear Creek Butts was blocked by downed trees from the wind storms so I decided to try and put a trail clearing work party together. Had 5 guys show up and it went well for what little we got done. Little in comparison to what needs to be done anyway.


First trail clearing trip in the Tanana Flats near Clear Creek Buttes

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We got one section opened up so folks can at least ride onto Clear Creek Buttes, but the loop trails are still blocked. Tried to get to the downed trees from the other side of the loop and didn’t make it very far that way either. I’m thinking were going to need at least two more trips out there to open the trails. Maybe this next week I can free up a day to go out and cut more of the trees out of the trail.

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