Now that the Tanana Valley Fair is over the weather has improved. Its a known fact (locally anyway) that during the week of the Fair (August) it is going to be wet and cool, just happens that way no matter if they move it a week earlier or later as the Fair Folks have done in the past.
I did get some of the veggies from the garden harvested and started a batch of cabbage in the process of becoming Sourkraut and plan to start a second batch the weekend before I head out to base camp. So here’s hoping for a good batch of sourkraut and that Trish and Destiny at least leave me one jar and don’t eat it all 🙂 It would be good to have some fresh sourkraut to go with some of the fresh peaches I’m thinking of canning for the winter.
So were having some really nice weather now, getting down to low 40’s at night and mid 70’s during the day. I’m hoping that we have an Indian Summer too, just not until the 3rd week of September. The last few years it’s been way to hot come Sept 1st, opening day of Moose Season, and I’d prefer to see some cool temps this year.
Last weekend Jake, Jacob and I rode into base camp and did our pre-season check and work duties. Cut and stacked a bunch of firewood and fixed the frame work for our camp shelter we put up over the cooking and living area. This should be a good year for Moose for us, with only Jake, his son Jacob and I going in, I’m betting we’ll have meat down within the first couple of days.
I didn’t see any sign of the Grizzlies we saw last year, so maybe their waiting for us to return to leave them a gut pile or two for snacks, I’d sure like to get a good picture of that Griz I nicked named Cutie last year, she sure was a pretty bear. Anyway, we’ll see what happens and what stories come out of this year hunting camp.
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