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Alaska Wolves and we lose

Posted by on June 8, 2010

Man, what a bunch of sh-t, the “protect the wolves” folks are all over this saying how the wolves won.

OK, so now we have an island that houses the only known Island caribou being killed off by 7 wolves. The courts won’t let the state Fish and Wildlife kill the wolves, so if nothing is done the wolves will kill off the Caribou and then starve. Oh, that makes a lot of sense…. NOT

Sorry, but all bleeding hearts please get some common sense. This is an island folks, once the wolves kill off the Caribou Calfs the Caribou will die off, then the wolves will either starve or look to the local residents for their food source. Of course you all could go and feed them, maybe just camp out with them, I’m sure the wolves would just love to have you, for dinner that is.

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