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ATV rides and trips

First ATV Ride for the season

Opening the road/trail into Jake’s cabin in the White Mountains, with all the grass greening up in the yard, we didn’t think we’d have much of a problem getting into the cabin, ha, had to wench a bit on the steep sections of road. Would of been easier if I had rode the sled in, more »

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Gearing up for summer

So now that all the snow is gone its time to gear up for summer. This includes moving all my survival gear from my sled bags (on sled and backpack) to my ATV bag. I don’t carry a backpack when I’m ATVing, but maybe I should, something to consider in case I have to walk more »

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Memorial Weekend

Here it is the 2nd day of June and I’ve only gotten one real 4 wheeler trip in so far, I must be slipping. We camped at Nome Creek over the Memorial Day weekend and had a good time, even with the dozens of other folks also camping out at Nome Creek and riding their more »

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Life in Alaska

Back from the Alaska bush. My trip into the Brooks Range was, well, exciting to say the least. We left Friday late afternoon and arrived at a lake about 185 miles north of Fairbanks and 80 miles north of the Arctic Circle. I’ll say now, it was beautiful… We had a great dinner and got more »

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