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Iron Dog 2013

Posted by on February 28, 2013

As always the Iron Dog is a week of riding and working for me. Took the week of the 17th March off of work and spent every day riding, setting the track, marking the trail and working on the North Pole Fuel Point. This year was fairly un-eventfully as far as setting the trail went. No one fell through the ice or got stuck really and that was a nice change.

I also had lots of volunteer help, more than I’ve had in the past and that made it a lot more enjoyable, not having to run the track from Chena Pump Landing to the finish alone as much as I’ve done in past years.


Pictures from the 2013 Iron Dog North Pole Fuel Depot and Finish line

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The Thursday before the racers were due to hit the finish line I did take a slight diversion with Pual into the Tanana Flats and showed him the loop route for the Clear Creek Buttes run from Chena Pump Landing, over the Buttes and back to the Tanana on the Bonnifield trail. We made it a combo ride and staked about 20 miles of the track on the Tanana on our return trip.

Thanks to Stoney, Paul, Nick, john, Brian and Steve and Melissa and all the others who helped this year. It was a great race week and I was pretty whipped by the end on Saturday.

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