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Mt Ryan Cabin Site

Posted by on June 14, 2017

Dean needed to check on Tiff’s cabin on Mt Ryan and since I was there any way, we did a work little to the foundation and beams for my cabin. Leveled the beams and made up a material list to get the platform in. I don’t plan to put up the walls and roof for while, so I figured I’d at least get the deck (eventual floor) in and use it as a platform for the wall tent during the summers. Will have to see what’s the best exterior floor paint these days to protect it.


Scoping material needs to finish cabin foundation

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It was a beautiful day and we did notice that some 4×4 trucks had been down the trail, suckers rutted it out big time. I don’t mind 4×4 trucks, but when they drive on trails that they aren’t legally allowed on, due to weight limits and then destroy them, I have issues with that. Probable the same A-holes who destroyed the walking trail in town.

We did find a a nice chainsaw someone dropped in the trail, trying to locate the owner, but if its one of those 4x4ers, oh well, their loss is our gain.

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