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ATV Rides

A variety of pictures from different ATV trips around the state.

The historic Mail Trail.

This is a trail that goes from Fairbanks to Central, it was used to haul mail, groceries and what not from Fairbanks to the miners in Central. Now days the Steese Hwy is the way to go, just as beautiful and not as tough to get through.


The Historical Mail Trail between Fairbanks and Central

Colorado Creek, July 28, 2007


Lazy day riding to Colorado Creek

Chandalar in the Brooks Range, north of the Arctic Circle, July 2006

7.3.06.Chandalar - The Brroks Range

Chandalar in the Brooks Range, north of the Arctic Circle

My first trip to Chandalar Lake in the Brooks Range, 2005.

100 Miles north of the Arctic Circle


The Brooks Range, my first trip to Chandalar Lake, August 2005

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