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Photos 2011

Photos from my summary of the Hurricane Cabin building, Feb 09 through Dec 2011

Summary Of Hurricane Cabin

Photos from my summary of the Hurricane Cabin building, Feb 09 through Dec 2011

Christmas Eve with the Kids, or most of them anyway


Christmas Eve with the Kids, or most of them anyway.

Run from 27 Mile CHSR to Angle Creek Lodge


Run from 27 Mile CHSR to Angle Creek Lodge

Behind the Igloo off of the Park Hwy. Sled rescue


Behind the Igloo off of the Park Hwy. Sled rescue

The White Mountains Trail into Richards Cabin


The White Mountains Trail into Richards Cabin.

The Fairbanks Winter Trail


The Winter Trail

November trip to the cabin with electrical materials and furnace


November trip to the cabin with electrical materials and furnace

Cabin Update, Sept 2011

09_2011_ Cabin_Status

Setting the rafters and sheathing the roof.

Moose Camp


Moose camp 2011, a great hunt

Base Camp 2011


A wet summer it is

First Snow and Cabin


Cabin building and snow

A Two Bear Weekend


Getting the cabin walls up and braced.

Mt Ryan line brushing and start on foundation


Line clearing and start on Dean's foundation at Mt Ryan Property

Memorial Day Weekend


Memorial Day 2011

The Log Skidder

and a young eagle that was sitting in our yard flying away.


The log skidder and a young flying eagle, eagle pic taken from the front yard.

Hurricane area in April 2011

A time to play and relax.


Decided it was time to play, so we went to the Hurricane Area for a few days of play and relaxation. Also wanted to see how Dean and Marquese were doing after a week of being snowed in.

Mt Ryan

The snowmachine trip that should of waited for ATV season.


Hauling the RR ties and 16 foot beams into My Ryan for Deans cabin foundation

Cabin Site near Chulitna


Hauling lumber and playing in some great fields of snow, March 18 through 20, 2011

Iron Dog Trail

The new section of the Iron Dog trail that gets the finish to downtown Fairbanks

Iron Dog Trail

The new section of the Iron Dog Trail. Maps to help answer all the questions I've been getting.

FST Club Run on Murphy Dome

02_19_11_Murphy Dome

Ride from Murphy Dome to the Chatanika River

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