Tagged With: Crazy
Election Day and my birthday
What a mix today is and with any luck we’ll have a new Pres and that will be a great birthday present. Now I just need to get my sleds back from the shop and go do some riding before the weather gets to cold, oh wait, it’s already -25 below, oh well. Share on more »
Share on FacebookPresidential Elections 2012
UNINSTALLING OBAMA……………….. █████████████▒ 95% complete. Dang it, he re-booted….. Share on Facebook
Share on FacebookSo I’m A Great Grandpa Now
Brylie Noelle Bishop, born at 4:10 July 22nd, 2012. 7 pounds 9 ounces and 20 inches long♥ Share on Facebook
Share on FacebookOur 2nd Amendment in action
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Share on FacebookMORE THAN A CLEVER PIECE OF ART ! ! !
So I said to him, “Barack, I know Abe Lincoln, And you ain’t no Abe Lincoln .” Obama a Democrat has made numerous attempts to quote Lincoln a Republican. SO WHY DOESN’T OBAMA USE THIS FAMOUS LINCOLN QUOTE: Share on Facebook
Share on FacebookGod Bless America
“I PLEDGE ALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAG OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA AND TO THE REPUBLIC FOR WHICH IT STANDS, ONE NATION UNDER GOD, INDIVISIBLE, WITH LIBERTY AND JUSTICE FOR ALL!!!” My generation grew up reciting this every morning in school with my hand on my heart. They no longer allow it for fear of more »
Share on FacebookBobby Unser vs. the U.S. Government. This is just Nuts and so is the U.S.D.A.F.S.
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Share on FacebookEaster and Wood Cutting
So Easter was on the 24th this year and it led to Trish and I discussing who decides when Easter is. Me, I just figured it was a specified Sunday every year, but nope, I was wrong. It’s based on the Catholic Calendar and changes every year. This is what started our conversion as last more »
Share on FacebookWelcome to Louisiana
OK, this article was passed along to me and I have to admit I was pretty floored by it. I appreciate the law and law enforcement officers, but when was the vote passed that gave local cops the right to suspend your rights as a citizen. This is worth reading. Welcome to Shreveport: Your rights more »
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