I wasn’t sure if the temps were going to accommodate us for this ride. When I left the house in North Pole it was -15 below, on the way to town my truck showed -20 below, when I got to Chena Pump Landing where we were to meet, at 9:00 AM it was -14 below. 12 others showed up for the ride, so off we went.
I hadn’t been down the Tanana river all season yet and was hoping that the trail would be broken in, at least to the turn off. Well it was, sort of, a couple of the Iron Dog racers ran to Nenana and back the day before, however, they said it was snowing and blowing the whole trip. As soon as I hit the river all I saw was white and an occasional mark that looked like it might have been a track at one time. So I just lead everyone down the river route I knew until we got to the turn off by the log cabin, at which point Steve rode on by me and pointed the way to the slough we were looking for. Thanks Steve.
We got off the river and rode through the brush, I think we need to get a brushing crew on that, had to duck behind my windshield to keep from getting knocked off my sled, of course the first rider through knocks off all the snow, gets himself and sled covered in it, and the tree branches raise up to give the others an easier ride through. Oh lucky me, first stop by the power lines was to clean off all the snow I was covered in.
We didn’t stop long at the Power line, but headed straight to the big field that is usually windy and flat and today was no exception. Steve took the lead again and started making tracks to the Buttes. We got to the Bonnifield Trail and sure as shooting, just as Paul had said it was b locked big time.
I thought we could still get there by heading farther south, this turned out to be more snow covered hanging branches and we only went a mile or so in and did an about face. I figured we’d go back to the Bonnifield Trail and try to find a way around the blockage of downed trees. As we headed to the downed trees there were 5 sleds right behind me and I suggested they stop and wait for the others while I did a little exploration. Hum, would of turned out pretty good until my 42 inch skis slid in between two stumps under the snow that were only 40 inches a part.
After 20 minutes of digging and lifting I finally got that heavy beast of a Bearcat un-stuck and headed back to where everyone was waiting, and did I mention I Love having reverse. When I got back to the group of 5 I left at the downed trees I expected to see 12 sleds, nope, still the same 5. Seems the others decided to take the trail back . So off we go to find them and then head back towards the rigs.
Back at the big field we took a break and decided to split. Half the folks wanted to head back to rig and the others decided to follow me on another exploration run. Silly people, don’t you all know I don’t know where I’m going half the time
Anyway, we did another 30 miles and ended up back at the power lines near the slough. So we headed on back to our rigs. Not bad for a 85 mile trip in the flats in lots of fresh snow.
Starting out from Chena Pump Landing heading onto the Tanana River
Running the Flats, lots of fresh powder.