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New Family Member ?

Posted by on October 8, 2013

I was out cutting firewood with Dean last Sunday and found a new friend, or maybe she found me.

It was an interesting day to say the least. I drove up to the site we have been cutting firewood at and the first thing I see is all this wood just lying there in the ditch. Some of it was to length, 20″, just my size and some were still in 30 foot log lengths. Well heck, this will be a quick and easy day for firewood gathering, or so I though.

So Dean pulls up and we get my truck about half loaded when this guy (Tom) pulls up in a short bed side step pick up and asks if he can get “his” wood, well darn it. Turns out he lived just down the road and spent all day Friday and Saturday hauling out logs, cutting them to length and taking them home. Said he was pretty tired by Saturday night and didn’t think anyone would be up and cutting early in the morning. So we unloaded what I had and loaded it in his truck, his wood what else am I going to do.

I had just gotten my saw back from the shop late Friday and she was running good. New chain and I’m a cutting fool, fool is right, dang nabit, I’m back cutting this one tall Birch and she wouldn’t fall so I set my saw down and used the wedge and ax to help it along. Darn thing jumped the stump and landed on the trigger handle of my newly repaired saw. So now were down to using Dean’s saw for falling and bucking. Works, just takes a lot longer, 8 hours’ worth of longer as it turned out.

Anywho, around 9:30 this GI stopped by and asked if we were missing a dog and I said nope and a half hour or so later this pup shows up. She real skittish until she sees Sally, Dean’s Setter. So now this girl hung around us for 6 to 7 hours, we gave her some water and a few snacks and she adopted us. Laid next to the trucks and took some long naps. We figured she was tired and lost in the wood and it appeared she was surviving on the left overs of a Moose kill just down the road.

Well when it was time to leave I just couldn’t abandon her so in the truck she goes. She a good dog and very friendly, heck she didn’t even bit Sassy (our 8lb 7oz pain in the butt) that I have wanted to bite on an occasion or two myself.

So now I am trying to find her owner to see if they want her back. Not too sure it’s a good idea as she acts like she’s been beat, hum. If nothing turns up I think we’ll be increasing the family by one dog.


Annie the dog, found wood cutting in October

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